Postpartum at 6 weeks.

I bounced back very quickly with Sofia and I was curious to see how I bounce back (if I do) this time. I gained in total 22 lbs this time, that’s 9 lbs more than with Sofia, mainly because I was eating more. By the end of the pregnancy, I felt huge and all kinds of discomfort. Back pain was constant and I felt leaking often.

After I delivered Lizzy, I had a belly that is like 6 months pregnant. Tony was surprised but I knew it was normal. The after pain was so much worse this time. I had to take pain medicine for two days to deal with it. Apparently, it’s normal to have stronger contractions after each pregnancy.

Week 1: Once at home, I started wearing a band during the day but zero activity. One week later, my belly disappeared magically.

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although my mid-section was still lose but most of the belly went away.  I lost 11 lbs the first week.

Week 3: I don’t think my belly size changed much but maybe it was less fluffy.

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lost another 2 lbs.

After the first month, I started to take short walks and Tracy Anderson’s arm workout couple times a week. I also wanted to start to do abs but after two days, something felt strange. It was not pain but some kind of discomfort in my pelvic area. Another thing happened. I stopped wearing the band and I noticed that by the end of the day, my belly looked like 5 months pregnant, only the part from the belly bottom down. It was strange. I didn’t have that with Sofia. So I started doing research of what’s going on. I found out that I have diastasis recti (i.e. ab separation). I checked and I probably have 2 cm gap. That’s not big. Some women have 10 cm. Other than it causes me to have a belly, it also causes back pain, leakage and weak pelvic area. Furthermore, if one left it untreated and does certain workouts (like abs, plank, bicycle crunches), it could make it worse. So I immediately stopped all kinds of exercises that engage ab.

Week 6: this picture is taken in the morning. My belly is 3 times that at the end of the day no matter what I eat.

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Lost another pound, so I was still 8 lbs up from pre-pregnancy at 6 weeks, mainly in my butt and thighs.

Course of action to treat diastasis recti:

  • I signed up the MUTU System. It seems to be the most effective in the market. It’s a 12 weeks program. I’m in week 1. It involves daily walking and 15 min workout for the moment. It doesn’t feel I’m doing much core workout but according to Wendy, the founder, I’m building the foundation of a strong core.
  • Since I am not supposed to run and not recommendable to do elliptical, I am taking long walks first thing in the morning. I head out very early, when it’s not too hot and when all the family is still sleeping. I listen to podcasts and breath fresh air. It clears my mind, sets me in good mood for the day. I really enjoy this 80 min of ME time.
  • I got the clearance from my OB to resume regular activities. She checked my belly and confirmed that I have mild diastasis recti. She referred me to a physical therapist. Hopefully she/he can help me recover even faster.
  • Continue to eat clean. No processed food, lots of veggies and good protein.

Will report back the progress.


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